



Available Monday-Friday, 10a-5p!

冰球突破很荣幸为您提供冰球突破的虚拟医疗服务——通过您的电话将您与免预约医疗服务提供者联系起来, 平板电脑 or computer to deliver real-time care and consultation, 几乎, at a time and location convenient for you.

What is a virtual visit?
虚拟访问是一种无需去办公室就可以与医疗保健提供者进行访问的方式, 诊所, 或医院. 作为病人, you can be seen by a provider through a video conference, 使用智能手机, 平板电脑, or on your computer with a webcam. 病人 see providers online for a range of issues, 从轻微的疾病和伤害到冠状病毒症状或慢性病症状, and even general health and wellness concerns. 虚拟访问允许与经过培训和认证的提供者进行可靠和方便的访问. 请注意,并非所有的投诉都可以使用冰球突破的虚拟远程医疗计划进行充分评估.  下面的列表为最有效地使用它的情况提供了指导.  With the health of our patients at the forefront, our providers may recommend you come in for a visit, if they feel your concerns will be better evaluated in-person.

What is the service used for?
Use 纽约医院’s Virtual 护理 service for issues such as:

  • 咳嗽、感冒和流感
  • Sinus, ear, and upper respiratory infections
  • 喉咙痛
  • 冠状病毒症状
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea
  • 发热
  • Pink eye/conjunctivitis
  • 扭伤和拉伤
  • Respiratory Infection
  • 头疼
  • 皮肤状况、皮疹
  • 季节性过敏

Here are a few reasons people decide to see an online provider:

  • 我觉得我应该去看医生,但我的日程安排得太满了.
  • It’s difficult for me to get a doctor’s appointment.
  • I’m not sure if I should go to the ER or not.
  • My doctor’s office is closed and I don’t want to go to a hospital.
  • I just moved and don’t know any doctors in my area


  • 改进访问:您可以在需要医疗保健的时间和地点看到提供者.
  • 成本效益:减少旅行时间/费用和工作时间.
  • 结果:提供诊断、治疗、随访和处方(必要时)

How do I access the service?


冰球突破的虚拟医疗现在接受大多数健康保险计划,并可以直接向保险公司开出账单. 您将收到您的虚拟护理服务的账单,就像您使用冰球突破的任何其他服务一样.  这张账单将反映你的保险金额和任何剩余的余额.

冰球突破建议您与您的保险公司核实,因为许多公司在此期间免除了虚拟护理访问的任何共同支付或费用. 如有任何问题,请随时拨打冰球突破计费团队的免费电话:(877)727-9691. If you are local, please call: (207) 361-3669.

What is 纽约医院 Virtual 护理?

冰球突破的虚拟护理是一个方便的在线护理服务,常见的条件. 这项服务由冰球突破的上门服务人员提供,周一至周五上午9点至下午5点提供服务. Once you’re connected through the website, your doctor can review medical information you share with them, answer your questions, and at their discretion, 诊断, treat and even prescribe medication. 如果你收到处方,你的医生会直接把它送到你当地的药房.

Where can I use the service?

病人 can access the service anywhere in the state of Maine.

What devices/computers can I use to access the service?

Virtual 护理平台支持大多数浏览器的最新版本,尽管Chrome是首选.  另外, 使用iOS和Android设备的应用程序,在应用程序商店中搜索“SnapMD”即可访问. 

When should I use 纽约医院 Virtual 护理?

Virtual 护理 treats conditions such as stuffy and runny nose, 过敏, 喉咙痛, 眼部感染, 耳痛, 咳嗽, 尿痛, 腰痛, joint pain or strains, and minor skin problems.
Please note that this service is not for medical emergencies. 如果您觉得您正在经历以下任何紧急医疗问题,请拨打911或前往最近的急诊室:
– Chest pain or pressure
– Uncontrolled bleeding
– Sudden or severe pain
– Coughing / vomiting blood
– Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
-突然头晕, 弱点, 视力的改变, 口齿不清, 麻木, or other neurological changes
– Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea
– Changes in mental status, such as confusion
– Assault, physical or sexual abuse, or child abuse


纽约医院 Virtual 护理 can be accessed from, 或者,一旦您创建了一个在线帐户,您可以通过搜索SnapMD并使用您的登录信息,从您设备的移动应用程序商店下载免费的移动应用程序.

Will providers have access to my medical record?

冰球突破的虚拟护理人员完全由冰球突破的供应商组成. 冰球突破所有的医疗服务提供者都可以访问您在平台上提供的病史,如果您之前使用过冰球突破的一个预约地点或看过冰球突破的初级保健医生, our providers will have access to your electronic health record.

Can my primary care 诊所ian see my visit?

If your primary care 诊所ian is part of 纽约医院, 他或她将能够在电子健康记录中看到你的访问记录.

Is my visit private and 安全?

是的, 纽约医院 Virtual 护理 is a private, 安全, 符合hipaa的工具,允许您安全、保密地在线咨询提供商.

Do I need to enroll to use the service?

是的, you must create an account online before using the service. 注册只需要几分钟,建议您在需要治疗之前注册.

Can I receive a prescription from a Virtual 护理 provider?

医生会根据你的个人诊断开出合适的药物. 请注意,根据法律麻醉品/鸦片制剂(如氢可酮、羟考酮等).) cannot be prescribed via telehealth visits. 也, 该服务不提供肌肉松弛剂或勃起功能障碍药物的处方.

Why should I use the service?

It is a convenient choice for urgent needs. 你可以在自己家里方便舒适地接受护理. 除了, 与紧急护理相比,你的病情可以以较低的费用治疗, 医生办公室, 或者急诊室

Who are the providers I will see?

冰球突破的虚拟护理由冰球突破的上门服务提供者组成,他们专门从事紧急护理, 家庭医疗, and emergency medicine. 冰球突破所有的供应商都是根据NCQA标准认证的.

How much does a visit cost?

冰球突破的虚拟医疗现在接受大多数健康保险计划,并可以直接向保险公司开出账单.  您将收到您的虚拟护理服务的账单,就像您使用冰球突破的任何其他服务一样.  这张账单将反映你的保险金额和任何剩余的余额.

冰球突破建议您与您的保险公司核实,因为许多公司在此期间免除了虚拟护理访问的任何共同支付或费用. 如有任何问题,请随时致电(877)727-9691与冰球突破计费组联系. If you are local, please call: (207) 361-3669.

Will my insurance cover this visit?

有些保险将紧急护理远程保健作为承保福利. 冰球突破正积极与卫生计划合作,扩大冰球突破访问的覆盖面. You may submit your receipt for reimbursement as you wish.

What if my condition requires a physical visit?

虚拟护理提供者能够处理上面提到的大多数常见投诉, but some symptoms may require a physical visit. 如果冰球突破的服务提供者不能通过远程医疗诊断出您的病情,并声明您必须亲自就诊, we will refer you to the most convenient location.

What technology is required for a visit?

As long as your device has a web camera and video capability, you may use a computer, 平板电脑 or smart phone. A mobile app is available for patients using iOS (iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch) or Android mobile platforms. 如果您使用的是移动设备,建议通过Wi-Fi连接.

What do I do if I have trouble connecting?

如果您使用的是PC或笔记本电脑,冰球突破建议您在连接之前始终对计算机进行测试, 然而, we also have a Troubleshooting guide published on the website.

Can I use the service for my child?

是的! 您可以为您的未成年子女添加一个帐户,作为您自己帐户的一部分. 请注意,在视频访问期间,您的孩子必须在场.

I have questions about my bill or card charge, who can I speak to?

联系 the 远程医疗 Team at 207-361-6910.

Does my visit count as a qualified HSA or FSA expense?

是的, our visits qualify as health care expenses. You can use any major debit or credit card with our service.

I completed a visit, where will I see the charges for the visit?

您将收到您的虚拟护理服务的账单,就像您使用冰球突破的任何其他服务一样.  这张账单将反映你的保险金额和任何剩余的余额. 

Your insurance company will likely send you a statement. 您也可以致电冰球突破的账单团队207-351-2398,他们会邮寄收据或通过电子邮件发送给您.