
计费 and 保险

Please note, as of July 1st, our new
bill payment address will be:
P.O. 70725箱
Philadelphia, PA 19176-0725

We are here to help!
按此 pay your bill online.
Click here for the Notice on Surprise 计费 Rules.


New Payment Policy for Our 纽约医院 病人:

Effective March 1, 2021, all of our patients whose insurance requires a co-pay, will be asked to make their payment at the time of service. 另外, 所有CT, MRI and surgery patients without secondary insurance, as well as our self-pay patients, 是否会在抵达时被要求支付押金,这笔押金将被记入他们的最终余额. In these cases, 服务结束后可能还会有额外的自付费用, which will be billed separately at a later date.

冰球突破的使命是为您提供最好的医疗服务, 财政问题永远不会影响这一使命. 冰球突破的患者财务援助办公室很乐意指导您制定符合您个人需求的付款计划. Please contact, us at 207-351-2389 or [email protected] for further information and assistance.

See below for frequently asked questions!

When will I receive my hospital bill?
如果你有保险,账单会先寄给他们付款. 在他们支付了自己的那部分账单后(可能需要60-90天,有时需要120天), you will then receive a bill for the portion you owe. If you do not have insurance, 您通常会在服务完成后10-15天收到账单.
When is payment due?
Payment is due within 30 days.
How do I receive an itemization of my bill?
We are happy to provide you with an itemization of your bill. Feel free to call us at 207-361-3669 或者是免费的, 877-727-9691.
Does the hospital accept credit card payments?
是的,冰球突破接受万事达卡、维萨、美国运通卡和发现信用卡. 如果您想用信用卡付款,请致电877-727-9691.
What if I can't pay in full by the due date? Are payment plans available?
是的, we are happy to talk to you about payment plans. Feel free to call us at 207-361-3669 或者是免费的, 877-727-9691.
如果你是一个付款计划,你收到另一个账单的另一个服务日期,你需要冰球突破 207-361-3669 或者是免费的, 877-727-9691, to add that bill to your payment plan.
What address do I send payment to?

Make checks payable to 纽约医院 and send to:


纽约医院 计费 Office P.O. Box 70725, Philadelphia, PA 19716-0725

Does 纽约医院 accept online payments?
是的, we accept online payments through your bank, and we also have a secure online payment option available. Visit this link:
We are happy to assist you. 请打电话给 207-361-3669 或者是免费的, 877-727-9691, Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm.
I need help paying my bill. 我该怎么办呢??
Call our Financial Assistance office at 207-351-2398 (for last names beginning with A-K), or 207-351-2389 (for last names)

工作人员可以告诉你在冰球突破的财政援助计划. 请打电话给 our Financial Assistance office at 207-351-2398 (for last names beginning with A-K), or 207-351-2389 (姓氏以L-Z开头),周一至周五上午8点至下午4点半.

You can download the application here

Simply print out the application, 填好并寄回给冰球突破(通过封面上的联系信息),如果冰球突破有任何问题,冰球突破会打电话给你,让你知道你是否符合条件.

如果您目前正在接受冰球突破财政援助计划的财政援助, your application will expire as of June 30, 2015.  如果或当您在7月1日之后产生欠冰球突破的新余额时, 2015年,你将被要求提交一份新的申请,以符合冰球突破财政援助计划的资格. 您需要每6个月更新一次您的家庭收入.  这些变化使冰球突破能够确保冰球突破能够向社区中有需要的人提供医疗服务,并及时审查申请.
冰球突破的医生办公室已经转变为医院的部门或提供者为基础的诊所. Under Medicare, 如果医生办公室符合特定规定,医院可以将医生实践归类为基于提供者的诊所. Because of this, you will receive two Medicare Summary notices, one from Medicare Part A and one from Medicare Part B. 在你的账单上,你会看到医疗服务收费和诊所收费. The clinic charge, or Medicare Part A services, will cover expenses such as nursing and support staff, 以及任何医疗或技术用品或设备以及房间的使用. 服务, 您的医生或执业医师提供的治疗或程序将被归类为医疗保险B部分的提供者收费.
What's the best way for me to pay my hospital bills?
When making medical payment decisions, make sure you know:


  •     the total costs
  •     what your insurance will cover
  •     what you will have to pay out-of-pocket
  •     what method of payment the hospital accepts
  •     如果你或你的医院医生办公室的工作人员将填写保险表格
What is a deductible? A-co-payment?
免赔额是你在保险计划开始报销之前支付的“承保”健康费用的初始金额. 免赔额通常是固定的金额,如250美元或500美元.  共同支付是你的医疗费用中不在保险范围内的部分. A co-payment is usually a percentage figure, like 10% or 20%.


  • 例如,一张500美元的账单,你的免赔额可能是150美元,所以你必须支付前150美元. This leaves a balance of $350. 在这350美元中,你的自付额可能是20%,这意味着你将不得不额外支付70美元. Your insurance company will pay the remaining $280.
  • 一旦你有了这些信息,就有很多方法来支付你的账单:
  • If your insurance pays all but a deductible or co-payment, 您需要在服务时支付账单中您那部分的估计金额.
  • In certain circumstances, 你可以按月向医院付款,直到你的账单全部付清. You should discuss this with our Patient Accounts Department.
  • 确保你了解医院的要求以及你有哪些付款方式.
Who is responsible for paying my bill?
医院会直接给你的保险公司开账单(除非你另有说明), 你最终有责任确保你的账单被支付.  如果在你的保险公司发出付款或拒绝付款后仍有余额, payment is due immediately upon receipt of your statement.
What other bill(s) will I receive?
In addition to your bill from the hospital, 你可能会收到其他医生的账单,他们可能为你提供过服务. 例如,你可能会收到咨询医生、放射科医生或其他专家的账单. 如果你对他们的账单有任何疑问,请直接联系他们的办公室.
Why am I getting calls from Balanced Healthcare Receivables?
冰球突破与平衡医疗应收款(BHR)签订合同,作为专业的第三方债务催收机构.  如果你方的账单拖欠未付,你方可以代表冰球突破和作为冰球突破的代理接到他们的电话.   作为医院供应商,BHR遵循所有隐私法律来保护您的医疗信息. Their toll free number is 866-460-2471 or you can pay your bill on line at