

心血管治疗 & 服务

Our team of cardiovascular specialists offers extensive experience in all aspects of cardiology care: non-invasive cardiology, 介入性心脏病学, 和电生理学. Each doctor brings a unique perspective and offers specialized care in the detection and treatment of heart disease, 周围血管疾病, 以及心脏疾病.


冰球突破的团队还包括在全面介入心脏护理方面的先进专业知识, 包括心导管, 冠状动脉介入手术, 介入外周血管手术. 冰球突破在约克提供办公地点, 井, and Newington (formerly known as Seacoast Cardiology) and provide testing and treatment at some of these locations and at 纽约医院.


一种利用超声波检测周围血管疾病的检查. This test uses doppler in conjunction with a series of arm and leg blood pressure cuffs to measure blood flow in the limbs. This test is most commonly used to determine if leg pain is the result of poor circulation in the legs (claudication). 因为这些测试使用超声波而不是x射线,所以它们是完全安全的. 这些程序不需要任何准备.

($100)*包括腹主动脉瘤(AAA)筛查, 颈动脉疾病, 心房颤动和外周动脉疾病(PAD). Rely on the experts at 纽约医院 to assess your overall cardiovascular health by signing up for one of our low-cost, 预防性心血管健康检查! 每一个半小时的预约将为最危及生命的血管疾病提供筛查. 预约是必要的. 打电话给冰球突破的心脏健康护理小组 (207) 351-2424 了解更多信息. *这些检查可能不包括在医疗保险或其他


这种测试通常被称为Echo. 它使用声波(超声波)来产生移动, 在视频屏幕上显示病人心脏跳动的二维图像. 这是一个无痛的过程,不使用x射线,是完全安全的. 医生可以研究心脏的大小和功能, 四个心脏瓣膜的运动和结构,测量血液流动的方向和速度. 测试大约需要45到60分钟. 无需准备.

An EKG is a graphic display of the electrical activity of the heart from electrodes placed on the skin in specific locations. The electrical activity created by the patient’s heart is processed by the EKG machine and then printed on special graph paper which is later interpreted by a physician. 这是一个无痛的过程,不需要准备,大约需要10-15分钟来执行.
It is not uncommon for patients to have symptoms that occur infrequently and are not documented by a 24-hour Holter monitor. 这个测试类似于霍尔特监测仪,只是它需要佩戴几天. 而不是存储整个24小时的心电图信息, the event recorder stores or ‘loops’ only the last 40-60 seconds of EKG continuously until a patient has symptoms. The patient then pushes a button on the recorder that ‘freezes’ the current 40-60 seconds stored in memory and the records an additional 15-20 seconds of EKG. 然后记录器将此信息锁定在其存储器中, 然后回到' loop '模式,等待按钮再次被按下,如果有另一个事件. 通常可以在记录器中保存五个事件. 这个事件可以通过电话传送到心脏病学,这样冰球突破就可以查看记录的内容. 然后,记录器被重置,并准备在需要时记录其他事件. 向患者展示如何连接自己,让他们睡觉和洗澡. 记录仪通常保存1 - 2周.
一个连续, twenty-four hour electrocardiographic (EKG) recording of the heart’s rhythm to determine if rhythm disturbances are present and whether or not they need to be treated. This test is done most commonly for one of three reasons: a patient feels one or more of these disturbances such as palpitations (ectopy) or rapid heart rate (tachycardia); a patient is having symptoms (such as dizziness or fainting) which may be due to tachycardia and/or bradycardia (slow heart rate); To determine if a patient’s pacemaker or defibrillator is working properly. A portable digital recorder about the size of a deck of cards is connected via 5 adhesive electrodes to the patient’s chest. 这个设备会记录佩戴24小时内的每一次心跳. 当它返回时,信息被特殊的计算机软件扫描. A diary is given to the patient to document daily activity to allow symptoms and activities to be correlated with the recording.
压力回声是一种无创测试,结合了两项测试,跑步机测试和超声心动图. This test is use in situations where it is known that the patient’s EKG will not be able to provide adequate diagnostic information or the physician suspects that a previous stress test was a false positive. The addition of the echocardiogram helps to improve the accuracy of the test by providing additional mechanical information about the heart during 锻炼. 在运动前和运动后立即拍摄回声图像. 然后在测试结束时将这些图像与心电图一起进行解释.
一种提供心脏结构和瓣膜清晰图像的微创超声心动图, 没有胸壁和肺部的干扰. 这个过程需要一个探针通过食道(很像胃镜)。, 只不过它用的是超声波而不是光源和摄像头. 考试总时间约为1小时. 病人在午夜之后需要禁食. 探针在体内的时间通常是10到15分钟. 开始静脉注射镇静剂,使患者在手术过程中感到舒适. 如果测试是作为门诊程序进行的, 病人需要安排回家的交通工具.
这项测试评估心脏对跑步机运动的反应. 它主要用于确定患者是否患有冠状动脉疾病. 使用心电图仪(EKG)连续监测心脏的电活动。. 测试的跑步机运动部分是分阶段进行的. 跑步机以非常慢的步行速度开始,并有轻微的上坡. 每隔三分钟,速度和等级就增加一次. 在测试的运动部分,医生在场. The goal of the test is to achieve an age adjusted target heart rate to make the test statistically reliable. 医生将在检查后立即与患者讨论检查结果. 整个过程需要30 - 45分钟, 运动部分通常持续6-12分钟. 根据使用跑步机的原因,有些药物不应该在测试前服用. 在检查前与医生讨论这个问题是很重要的.
  • This is a specialized type of EKG that looks at a very specific aspect of the heart’s electrical activity. 它被用来作为一种筛选工具,以评估患者的某种类型的心律异常的风险. 它通常与压力测试一起进行.
这是一种无痛技术,使用超声波来观察动脉和静脉. 这是一个通用术语,包括颈动脉超声等检查, 静脉超声和动脉超声. These procedures are sometimes referred to as Duplex 血管超声 because the information is typically displayed in two different ways. 一种是显示正在研究的血管的横切面解剖的图像. 它通常被认为是超声波图像(就像怀孕的婴儿照片)。. 另一种是所谓的多普勒. 这是血管内血流速度和方向的二维视觉显示, 类似于在地图上叠加显示云运动的多普勒天气图. 多普勒可以让冰球突破判断血流量是否减慢, reversed or stopped in a blood vessel because of disease and accurately measure the severity of the disease.


冰球突破著名的心脏科 & 血管导管实验室提供心导管插入术, 电生理学研究, 还有消融和血管 & 心脏血管造影术. 除了, 纽约医院 is one of only four hospitals in the state of Maine to perform Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (coronary artery ballooning/stenting).


冰球突破的心脏病学团队也提供电生理学专业. 如果发现心律问题, physicians and members of the team will perform the appropriate procedures including the implant of a pacemaker (including biventricular) or defibrillator.

起搏器 & 植入式除颤器诊所

起搏器和植入式心律转复除颤器(ICD)是小型电池供电的, 植入胸腔调节心率和心律的装置. Pacemakers are designed to correct bradycardias (slow heart rhythms) and ICD’s tachycardias (fast heart rhythms). 这些装置在冰球突破植入. 病人 with pacemakers and ICD’s need to have their devices checked to monitor the clinical effectiveness of their devices and the status of the batteries and electronics. Clinic visits usually occur every three to four months but could be more frequent depending on several factors, such as how old the device is or whether a device needs to be readjusted because of changes in a patient’s medical status. 电话随访也对起搏器患者进行. 患者使用一种特殊的发射器通过电话将他们的心电图发送到诊所. This allows patients the convenience of checking their pacemaker from anywhere they have access to a phone without having to come to the clinic for every checkup. 通常, 每三个月将安排个人接受一次电话起搏器检查, 每年安排一次诊所就诊.



Cardiac and 肺 康复中心ilitation: The Cardiopulmonary 康复中心ilitation Program is designed to meet the needs of cardiopulmonary patients (including, 但不限于, 那些心脏病发作过的人, 冠状动脉搭桥手术, 慢性阻塞性肺疾病, 或心绞痛)和他们的家人. 该项目结合了教育, 锻炼, 营养咨询, 减压, 行为矫正策略. 心肺康复的目标是帮助病人康复, resume their normal activities of daily life and develop positive lifestyle strategies to enhance their future health.

冰球突破为心脏病患者提供专业的临床锻炼和教育项目, 肺, 充血性心力衰竭, 糖尿病, 肿瘤学, 骨质疏松症/骨量减少, 脊柱健康与平衡. 冰球突破还提供许多以社区为基础的健康项目, 支持团体, 疾病管理教育, 和更多的.  呼叫 207-351-3700 or 点击此链接获取更多信息.